New Brunswick Musicians' Association

89 Canterbury Street Suite 206
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 2C7


Open 11am to 3pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays




As the Local chapter of the Canadian Federation of Musicians, we represent professional musicians throughout the Province of New Brunswick, Canada. If you are looking to hire a professional musician, group, or music teacher, or you are interested in joining the NB Musicians' Association as a professional musician, you've come to the right place!

Please check back soon for updated information and services.

Group and Youth Membership Discounts Available

If you are part of an ensemble, or band that plans to become fully unionized, or you are under the age of 21, you could save $95 or more by joining now!

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What does the NB Musicians' Association do?

We assist our members with issues important to professional musicians, by providing access to:

  • distress & contract defence funds
  • collective bargaining
  • membership representation
  • contracts
What does the NB Musicians' Association do?

We conserve and promote the welfare of our members, advance and protect their interests and enforce good faith, fair dealing, and adherence to union principles. We establish and maintain uniform and fair minimum prices to be charged by our members for their services as musicians, and we enforce fair dealing between the members themselves as well as towards employers.

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Who are our members?

The very best musicians New Brunswick has to offer!

Classical Musicians

We represent classical musicians, performing with orchestras and smaller ensembles in our finest concert halls.

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We are proud to be the host Local of:

The Buckley Ensemble, Camerata NB, Duo Cantilena, the Early Music Studio, Port City 5, Saint John String Quartet, Symphony New Brunswick, Trio Sambucca, Ventus Machina, and many more, including a myriad of solo performers.

Recording Musicians

We represent recording musicians, including many of the artists you hear and see on CBC, Radio-Canada, TFO, NFB, etc..

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With much of Canada's Francophone content being recorded right here in New Brunswick. Our members are often heard on CBC/SRC, Radio-Canada, TV5, and TFO, and National Film Board programs. Some notable recently recorded programs include Pour l'Amour du Country, Méchante Soirée, Prise De Son, L'Entrée Principale, Le Réveil (Edition N.-B.), and Émergence. Many of our artists also release their own original recordings, and have received tremendous accolades for their work